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Fratin Farm, museum, Father Balon's Farm in ETALLE / BELGIUM

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Fratin Farm, museum, Father Balon's Farm ETALLE / BELGIUM e
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)


Fratin Farm, museum, Father Balon's Farm ETALLE / BELGIUM description:

Naar Martine Dropsy: 'This farm used to belong to the people of my family. It is also called the Farm of father Balon.It was part of a family complex, from the side of the father of my mother, Henuset was theyr familyname. They were from the Condroz, and they came to the farm by an auction about 1830. At the beginning they were not alone: there were two other families, which finally left because the ground was not fertile to grow vegetables.the family of my father stayed and in order to get the maximum of land (and not to divide the land) they married within the family. This didn't always the hoped results sometimes. II dont know why the farm was left abandoned after the death of father Balon. The land around the farm still belong to one of my nephew .'
