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Old Royal Palace (queen Marie-Louise's house of mourning) in OOSTENDE / BELGIUM
(Lange Straat)

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Old Royal Palace (queen Marie-Louise's house of mourning) OOSTENDE / BELGIUM
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)


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Old Royal Palace (queen Marie-Louise's house of mourning) OOSTENDE / BELGIUM: Old Royal Palace (queen Marie-Louise's house of mourning) OOSTENDE / BELGIUM:

Old Royal Palace (queen Marie-Louise's house of mourning) OOSTENDE / BELGIUM description:

Théodore Van Moorsel bought this gentlemen's house in 1789. For a short while, it was used as headquarter by Napoleon. In 1815, Eduard Jean Serruys bought this house. From 1835, King Leopold I and his spouse queen Louise-Marie hired is as summer retreat. On 11 octobre 1850, queen Louise-Marie died in this house. The room where she died is kept as memorail room. In 1867, King Leopold II bought the house. he rested there in winter time. In 1908, the Belgian state became owner, and since 1922 the Royal Present. Afterwards, several city services where installed in this building. Since 2000, it houses the museum The Plate. This simple building is decorated by the border in Belgian limestone around the porch.
