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Birth of Virgin Mary Church in Sapanta / Romania
(Road 183)

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Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)


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Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania: Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania: Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania: Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania: Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania: Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania:

Birth of Virgin Mary Church Sapanta / Romania description:

Annum 2015, there seems to be an interesting fight about this Romanian-Orthodox church from 1882-1886. Originally, this was a neo-gothic church building under Greek-Catholic influence with plastered walls. Apparently, the Romanian-Orthodox church, supported by the government, decided to alter the church building into a more traditional Orthodox style. The Catholics don't agree - and seem to have gone to Justice..... See http://orthodox- for a picture of the old situation. To my opinion, the Catholics are wrong. I, as a tourist, think the new look will fit together better with the merry graveyard.

The Birth of Virgin Mary Church was in 1882 built to replace a wooden church.

The large new crucifix on top of the spire suits well the blue color of many of the graves on the 'graveyard'.

inside the church contains interesting mosaics and painted ceilings.
