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Communist Prison in Sighetu Marmatiei / Romania
(Strada Corneliu Coposu)

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Communist Prison Sighetu Marmatiei / Romania
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)


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Communist Prison Sighetu Marmatiei / Romania: Communist Prison Sighetu Marmatiei / Romania: Communist Prison Sighetu Marmatiei / Romania:

Communist Prison Sighetu Marmatiei / Romania description:

These buildings were one of the many prisons where people 'who were not communist enough' ended up. Under it's victims, the large majority of the political class of Romania from before the Second World War.

Now it's a museum with the aim not to allow this nightmare to be forgotten.

Being Belgian, from the 'good side' of the Iron Curtain': I was not aware of the fact that there was so much protest against communism. We were mainly worried of being attacked... I think more 'western' people should go and visit shuch museum... we might better understand the current situation into which the Romanian (and other) people are now....

Carmen Stetco: 'Memorial de la douleur - Sighet- Roumanie. Le chapitre le plus douloureux de l histoire récente de la Roumanie. Ici nous voyons le vrai visage de communisme et ses horreurs. Comment une dictature est capable de détruire un pays et exterminer son peuple.'
