Pos | Mini thumb | Name | Score | Begin year | 1 | | Dorre (Isodoor), given to the people by the Bakers Keywords:Statue, R. Rens | - | ~ 1979 | 2 | | University Of Leuven's Central Library Keywords:Library, Renaissance, Baroque, spire, gable, open work, tower, obelisk, galery, shellwork, saddleback roof, tabernacle, fronton, dripstone moulding, dormer, baluster, engaged column, inbedded column, statue (as an ornament), half-relief, facade, volute, semi-circular (round) arch, pillar, pier, festoon, swag, bust, Whitney Warren, Koning Leopold III, Koning Albert I, Jean Dampt, Elisabeth | - | 1921 | 3 |  | Old City Walls Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Townwall, iron sandstone holding limonite | 6.1 / 1890 | | 4 |  | City Theatre Picture by Hans Lenaerts Keywords:Theatre | 5.9 / 1812 | | 5 |  | College Pope Adrianus VI Pont.Maximus Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.9 / 2111 | | 6 |  | Chapel of the Norman Gate Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery, Chapel, Theatre, Norman (Romanesque), passage under semi-circular arch, gerard augustijnen | 5.8 / 2634 | | 7 |  | Large Beguinage Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Beguinage, Pump, volute, timber framing, cantilever, pavilion roof, calcareous sandstone, brick, facade, pearspire | 5.8 / 1986 | ~ 1250 | 8 |  | Townhall Arch Sulpitius van Vorst - Jan Keldermans - Mattheus de Layens . Rest.D.Everaerts. - P.Langerock Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Town hall, city hall, War damage, Brabantion Gothic, Late gothic, turret, tabernacle, baldachin (canopy), statue (as an ornament), crocket, dado, socle, saddleback roof, gable, oak wood, tower, ceiling, painting, cellar, Sulpitius van Vorst, Matheus De Layens, D. Everaerts, Keldermans, Jef Lambeaux, P. Langerock, Constantin Meunier | 5.8 / 1129 | 1439 | 9 |  | Het Schrijn Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.7 / 2460 | ~ 1938 | 10 |  | Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ten Predikheren Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, buttress, lancet, flying buttress, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, nave, apse, apsis, Twolight window, lancet arch | 5.7 / 2213 | ~ 1250 | 11 |  | Woning van Guy Morillon Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Gentleman's house | 5.7 / 2208 | | 12 |  | Links van het Woud Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.6 / 2559 | 1923 | 13 |  | Bycilce statiion Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Dissapeared, Strange | 5.6 / 1840 | | 14 |  | 't Sestich house Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Gentleman's house, School, university, Gothic, stepped gable, gable, pointed arch, lancet arch, Brugian span, trilobate, trefoil tracery, trefoil arch, quatrefoil | 5.5 / 2344 | ~ 1450 | 15 |  | Vigliuscollege Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:School, university | 5.5 / 2376 | | 16 |  | Saint gertrudis' church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church | 5.5 / 1535 | | 17 |  | Saint-Peters' church Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Brabantion Gothic, High Gothic, Gothic, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, pulpit, rood loft, choir screen, ambulatory, sandstone, transept, church treasure, radial chapel, clustered column, silver, mausoleum, gargouille, tub, vat, statue (as an ornament), flying buttress, buttress, nave, sculpture group, scalemodel, tabernacle, choir stalls, oak wood, baptismal font, crypt, brass, Jacob Bergé, Matheus De Layens, Keldermans, Sulpitius van Vorst, Joost Metsys, Premonstratiënzers, Nicolaas de Bruyne, Gerard Goris | 5.5 / 2106 | | 18 |  | Universitair Koningscollege Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:School, university | 5.5 / 2253 | | 19 |  | The Moorineke Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.5 / 1625 | | 20 |  | Building Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) | 5.5 / 1951 | | 21 |  | Van Dale Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:School, university | 5.4 / 2446 | | 22 |  | In Den Beyaert (e) Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Horeca, House in a row | 5.4 / 1781 | | 23 |  | Beguinage church (e) Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, High Gothic, Rococo, lancet, saddleback roof, tombstone, grave stone, sandstone, trilobate, trefoil tracery, ridgeturret, roofturret, quatrefoil, capital, choir, chancel, choir stalls, trefoil arch, oak wood, tracery, side altar, high altar, main altar, pulpit, confessional, organ, doorway (porch), painting | 5.4 / 2215 | 1305 | 24 |  | De Weerelt Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Horeca, House in a row | 5.4 / 2074 | | 25 |  | Sint-Michaelschurch Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Baroque, Rococo, piece of aisle, sandstone, art treasure, three-aisled, volute, gable, painting, festoon, swag, pulpit, flame vase, candlestick, iron sandstone holding limonite, fronton, Jezuďten, Willem van Hesius, Mispelter, Erasmus en Artus Quellin | 5.4 / 2426 | 1650 | 26 |  | Youth Meeting Center and Wagehuys Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Theatre, Abbey, convent, monastery, Augustijnen | 5.4 / 4756 | | 27 | | Den Brosser Keywords:Horeca | - | | 28 |  | Tafelrond Arch Mattheus de Laeyens - Maxime Winders (reconstr.) Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Guildhall, Gothic, breastwork, parapet, cresting, fret, dormer, saddleback roof, baldachin (canopy), open work, cross-bar frame, semi-circular (round) arch, guerite tower, turret, concrete, statue (as an ornament), Maxime Winders, Matheus De Layens, Charles Van der Straeten | 5.3 / 2500 | | 29 |  | The Falcon - Faculty of Rights Picture by Hans Lenaerts Keywords:School, university | 5.3 / 1664 | | 30 |  | Mooi huis Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Horeca, House in a row | 5.2 / 2438 | | 31 |  | t Oude Woud Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Horeca, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado | 5.2 / 2508 | | 32 |  | Post Arch. Alfons Van Houcke Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Post office, Colorful, spire, turret, dormer, horseshoe arch, art nouveau arch, bullion (oculus), lantern roof, lantern tower, Alfons Van Houcke | 5.2 / 1744 | 1894 | 33 |  | Holy Trinity College Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.2 / 2193 | | 34 |  | Den Vlieghe house Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:House in a row | 5.2 / 2548 | | 35 |  | Cafe the Oasis Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Horeca | 5.1 / 2298 | | 36 |  | Gevel 1691 Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) | 5.1 / 2190 | | 37 |  | Het Woud Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Gentleman's house, Horeca, House in a row | 5.1 / 2397 | | 38 |  | Arenberg Mill Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Mill, mill wheel or water wheel | 5.1 / 2220 | | 39 |  | Café Apero Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Horeca, Gentleman's house, House in a row | 5.1 / 2346 | | 40 |  | Schippershuis Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Gentleman's house, Horeca, House in a row | 5 / 2081 | | 41 |  | Mooi rechts Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Home, Gentleman's house, Horeca, House in a row | 5 / 2059 | | 42 |  | University hall Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:School, university, Hall, Baroque | 4.9 / 2105 | 1317 | 43 | | Sint-Geertuiabdij met Thiery Vleugel Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery, facade | - | |