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Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon in BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS / BELGIUM
(Grote Zavel)

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Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)


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Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: eOur-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM:
Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM: Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM:

Our-Ladieschurch of the Sablon BRUSSELS-CITY in BRUSSELS / BELGIUM description:

This late gothic church is in fact dated from the 15 th century. The choir was finished in 1435, then followed thedaarna volgden het transept and the central aisle. Then came the side aisles, to finish with the westfassade.

The roof carries a strong ridge, and a crossing tower.

Special is the fact that the clostered columns of the choir do'nt have capitals what accentuates the verticalising effect . In het middenschip is hetThe triforium in the central aisle is decorated with late gothic falchion motives.

From 1870 on there took a great restauration place. The adjacant houses were demollished, missing decorations were added and a neo gothic sacristywas added. The bosses were beautifully decorated with a vautal painting.

The miraculous statue of the Holy Mother, that was braught there by boat, provided the church its fame.It lies also at the origin of the 'Ommegang',an historic procession in Brussels.
