Kruispoort BRUGES / BELGIUM description:The Cross gate was a town gate part of the second townwall of Bruges dating from 1297. The actual gate is of more recent date De huidige poort is echter recenter: it is dated form the beginning of the 15 th century. It was built bythe architects Jan van Oudenaerde and Maarten van Leuven.
Today there is only the main building remaining, while the two bridges and the front gate have disappaered.
At the side of the water there are two towers, that are connected with a machicoltion with throw holes to be able to attack the enemy with boulets. The pointed arched passage could be closed with two doors, a herse and a drawbridge. Nearby there is a small pedestrian passage, reachable via a samll bridge, secured by an embrase.
On the townside the facade looks less like a fortress.On the corners there are two octogonal turrets. In between the fassade is devided in two floors with a dripsone moulding,and there above an outleaning breastwork. There are fours windows with cross-bar frames in round arched niches, that are decorated with tracery in the threelobbed arches . There is a tabernacle with crucifix in the middle above the passage.
Most os the interior has been preservated. We can find the five parted vaults back in the two defensetowers.The sittings for the gategards were saved on the different floors. The toproom is separated into three aisles with collomns, that are support the cross-rib vaultings.Some consoles have little angels with a banderole.
At night the town gate is illuminated.
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