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Battle of Waterloo in BERCHEM / ANTWERP / BELGIUM
(Waterloostraat 11)

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Battle of Waterloo BERCHEM in ANTWERP / BELGIUM
Arch Frans Smet-Verhas
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

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Battle of Waterloo BERCHEM in ANTWERP / BELGIUM: Battle of Waterloo BERCHEM in ANTWERP / BELGIUM: e

Battle of Waterloo BERCHEM in ANTWERP / BELGIUM description:

This gentleman's house is a creation of Frans Smet-Verhas in art nouveaustyle. The facade was mostly built symmetrically . At the left side, the facade is flanked with guerite tower but it has been sadly taken awy meanwhile.

In the facade we find the for this style so typical, eastern looking , horse shoe arch back around the windows under the wall mosaïc.

Look especially to the projecting window with there above a terrace finished with a wrought iron breastwork. The projecting window has a De erker bevat een cuneiform window in three parts from which event the posts are worked out with style.

The attic of the facade had until a few years ago a couple of originally formed crenelation in nature stone which have in the mean time also disappeared . They are an evocation of the medieval castles.

In the mosaïc you can find back the name of the house as well as the portraits vof Napoleon and Wellington.
