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Place of the Churches in Rocamadour / FRANCE

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Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)


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Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE:
Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE:
Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE:
Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE: Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE:

Place of the Churches Rocamadour / FRANCE description:

The Rocamadour pilgrimage is very old. It is one of the most visited places in France. Saint Amadour's crypt is on the World Heritage list.

Rocamadour was already inhabited in prehistoric times.

In 1105, there was a chapel in a shelter under the rocks, known as 'Rupis Amatoris', and this was depending on the Benedictines. In 1112, Elbe from Turenne, abbot of Tulle, comes to live in Rocamadour. In 1148, a first miracle is recorded. There is a 12th century Our Ladies' statue, and the site attracts pilgrims. One of those is Hendry II, King of England, married to Aliénor from Aquitaine, who comes to pray here in 1159 to thank for his healing. In 1166, an intact body is found, which is believed to be Saint Amadour. Saint Amadour is described as a close relationship to Jesus. In 1291, pope Nicolas IV write 3 bulls about of indulgences at the value of one year and 40 days for the pilgrims. Meanwhile, the site is also defensible with ramparts and a fortress.

In 1317 however, the monks leave Rocamadour. The 14th century is full of disasters for the site. Climate cools down, giving hunger and black pest. The 100 years war starts... In 1427, an trial is done to rebuild the site, but with limited results due to lack of resources (both financially as humanly). A rock tumbles down on the chapel, which is only rebuilt by 1479.

Then, the are of the religious wars arrives, and in 1562 everything is destroyed again. Even Saint Amadour's relics....

The French Revolution gives additional plundering...

Around 1830 political will came to rebuild and revive historical sites. However, there was so much to rebuild, and Rocamdour didn't fall in the prices... In 1855, the bishop of Cahors organized a lottery to fund rebuilding the Rocamadour site. This brought a quarter of the funds needed, and the works got started (however, control access was refused to the commission of historic monuments (due to lack of support from their side)). By 1872, the largest works were finished.

The pilgrimage ends by climbing the 216 stairs on your knees to reach the 7 churches (12 other churches were lost in history). The highlights are the remains of Saint Amadour, and the statue of the Black Madonna. This Black Madonna is mainly loved by sailors, there clock belling for miraculously saved sailors.
