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Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass in Koerich / Luxembourg
(Rue de l'École)

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Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)


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Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg:
Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg: Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg:

Koerich Castle - Grevenschlass Koerich / Luxembourg description:

The Greven castle (Grevenschlass), known nowadays as Koerich castle or fort of Koerich, has its roots at the end of the 12th century. It was built then by Wirich I, count of Koerich, in late romanesquestyle. In 1304, Goeffrey of Koerich enlarged it in a more gothic style. The donjon tower (now 11 metres high) sure was the highest and one of the most impressive in the area.

The site was protected by a moat and had a military character.

Later, from 1380 under Giles of Autel and Koerich, the military character disappeared for more luxuriously living.

In 1580, drastic changes came. Jacques de Raville demolished parts, and added 2 renaissance wings. The impressive chimneyhood and the large windows still point to the beauty of the castle in that period. Later, in 1728, the south wing was adapted in baroque style.

After the death of the last Ravilles in the 2nd half of the 18th century, decline came and gradually the splendid castle fell into ruins. In 1950, Pierre Flammang, the last privae owner, did some strcutrual repairs. Afterwards the State became owner of the castle.
