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Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel in Aiud / Romania
(Piața Cuza Voda)

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Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

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Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania: Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania: Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania: Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania: Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania:

Aiudului Castle (Cetatea) - Aiud Citadel Aiud / Romania description:

Probably, this is one of the eldest castles in the region. Howoever, it's history is not very clear.

Maybe, the castle comes from a fortified church. During the 13th century, the Saxes did build fortified churches in this region. Later, during the 17th century, it would then have been enlarged to become a real defensive castle.

But the local people in Aiud claim their castle being much older. it would have existed in the times when the Tartares attacked the area, in 1240.

The castle had 9 towers. They were named after the guilds which each cared for and defended one of the towers. So we had the gate tower, the butcher's tower, the locksmiths tower, tailors tower, Kalendas tower, schoemakers tower, potters tower, furriers tower, coppersmiths tower.

The towers were connected via walls, and on the outside there was a castle moat.
