Guildhall of the bowmen BRUGES / BELGIUM description:It is a fact that the marksmansguild this building bought in 1573 kocht from the treausurkeeper of Bruges, Cornelis De Blois, and used it as a gildhall . The building was at that moment probably about 20 years old.
The complex is an example of Brugian late gothic. It was constructed with bricks. Near the southfassade is a remarquable guerite. It is in fact a double staircase tower. In the maintowert there a sone winding staircase. Each floor has a different form, varying from round to four sides, sexa- or octogonal. A smaler wellstair ,wherin there is a spiral stair, flanks the tower on the side of the houses.
A lower wing was added against the westfassade in 1632. The english king, Charles II, who lived in Bruges between 1656 and 1659 in exile and also was member of the markmansguild,made a generous gift.This gift made it possible that a wider part could be added against this low wing.
In 1682 a triangular housechapel was built onto the eastfassade.
On the domain of the earlier guild there is stil a covered galery with at the opposite a theater, so that the spectators could follow the practising of the archery.
The form 1632 dated wing was widened in 1855,so that the complete building became a straight fassade. De corridor with above the orchestraroom is dated from the same year.
Between 1899-1900 thourough renovations took place under the order of the architecte werd Louis Delacanserie, whereby amongst others the chapel disappeared.
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